Monday, September 7, 2020

Flipped Classroom Discussion-Why should we do it?


    I have heard of flipped classrooms before, but did not really think they would really work for me; however, now that "Rona" has forced us to redefine the way we view education and rethink our lesson delivery, I am thinking now that I want to give it a try. Using a flipped classroom style may be the answer I have been looking for--a way to connect my F2F students and my virtual students in a truly collaborative manner. By recording my lectures ahead of time, I can play them in my class, then walk around the room and help my students with the pieces they need extra time with. Furthermore, I can have a couple of my more responsible students log into the Google meet so they can interact with my virtual students, answering questions, or helping them get the attention they need by asking those questions for them. I am figuring out that my students WANT to help each other, and this may be a great way for them to engage. 

       I think this type of PL needs to be modeled because this type of learning model can be very intimidating to those who have never seen it before. For example, before watching the videos, I never would have considered trying a flipped classroom. I did not think that I could do it, given my subject area. However, watching the videos on flipped classrooms has inspired me to search out more FC videos and try this style in my classroom this next week! As a future digital specialist or assistant principal in charge of digital learning, it is important that I  take these types of risks in my classroom, so that I know exactly what I will be asking of my teachers. 

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